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Displaying results 261-270 of 308

11 Million More Americans Pick Beer as their Preferred Beverage vs 2013!

Pardon the sensationalist headline, but the new Gallup alcohol consumption poll numbers are out and with them I’ll bet we see a horde of news articles about how much better those numbers look in 2014 than they did in 2013. …Read More

The (Non) Beer Bubble, Part Deux

So despite my earlier efforts to dispel the notion that the number of breweries in this country represents some sort of bubble, “are we at the saturation point?” or “is this a beer bubble?” continues to be the most popular …Read More

The Timing of Craft Sales

When do craft beer sales occur across the course of the year? Or put differently, do craft brewers sell more beer in the first six months of the year or the second six months? This topic has been on my …Read More

U.S. Brewery Count Tops 3,000

U.S. Brewery Count Tops 3,000

The American brewing industry reached another milestone at the end of June, with more than 3,000 breweries operating for all or part of the month (3,040 to be precise). Although precise numbers from the 19th century are difficult to confirm, …Read More

Continued Growth Amidst SKU Proliferation

One common worry I hear about in the craft beer space is the ongoing proliferation of SKUs. Is there enough shelf space? Are their enough tap handles? These questions typically are based on blunt measures, like the number of SKUs …Read More

A Fistful of Hops

The craft beer story du jour is about how America’s insatiable love of IPAs and the craft brewers who brew them is driving up the price of hops. Now, I have no issue with the idea that craft is changing the …Read More


Craft Continues its Ascent, But A Few Clouds Form on the Horizon

Craft Brew News (and Beer Marketer’s INSIGHTS) editor Benj Steinman takes a deep dive into the shifting competitive dynamics of the craft scene, analyzing its many ongoing successes as well as the emerging pressure points. Those include a growing number …Read More


On-Premise Craft Data

GuestMetrics provides on-premise data to view craft beer sales trends across the country. Read More


Surviving the Bubble: Analytics for Strategic Decisions

This seminar is all about numbers. The first half of the seminar focuses on analyzing and presenting the latest industry data, shaping a forecast for the future of the craft segment. Since forecasts are always wrong, Matt dives into strategic …Read More

Displaying results 261-270 of 308