2014 World Barley and Hops Harvest
A comprehensive look at the 2014 hops and barley harvests, broken out into regions. First up: how shifting demand for hop varieties has led to replanting in the U.S.
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Barley is the most common starch used in brewing beer today. The resources in this section are all about barley, beginning with the farmers who grow it and ending with the brewers who select and use it.
A comprehensive look at the 2014 hops and barley harvests, broken out into regions. First up: how shifting demand for hop varieties has led to replanting in the U.S.
In the geography of malt and barley, Chile is usually not the first country that comes to mind. But in a normal year, some 75 percent of the Chilean harvest is of malting quality.
A multi-institutional group of researchers, farmers, maltsters, and brewers is slowly piecing together the links in a supply chain to develop new, flavorful malt varieties.
Ian Ward of BSG presents the latest information about the 2014 barley crop, covering yield volume and quality of the current year’s crop.Read More
The panel discusses the underlying economic factors that impact future availability and pricing of malt, hops, glass and paper. Read More
Barley, a non-GM, primarily public sector crop, is facing strong competition from other crops that are receiving substantial investment from biotechnology seed companies, including GM variety development. When will our industry be faced with GM wheat and barley, and what …Read More
We all rely on high quality hops and barley to make our delicious brews, but what goes into growing those crops? What inputs are required to grow essential ingredients? Learn about the hurdles and successes faced by hop and barley …Read More
Malt flavor and composition differ by variety. Do you know how they impact the taste and shelf-life of your unique craft beer brand? Two leading experts combine forces to discuss basics of flavor development in malt, malt variety choices and …Read More
Craft brewers are seeking out organic malt, malts produced with fewer water and fertilizer inputs, locally produced malts and those with distinctive flavors. Speakers describe the basics of barley growing practices and variety development past, present and future, along with …Read More