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Displaying results 41-50 of 69

Craft Malting and the Rebel Alliance

Experts discuss the revolutionary power of craft malting and small-scale barley farming. Over the last 100 years, breweries have moved away from malting their own barley to buying a small number of barley varieties from a small number of producers. …Read More


Managing the 2014 North American Barley Crop

The 2014 growing year was very challenging for barley growers; those challenges now fall to maltsters and brewers. This panel was assembled to help brewers make the most of this important raw material when Mother Nature throws a curveball. Read More

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The New Brewer: Raw Materials Issue

Barley and Malt from a Southern Hemisphere Perspective

In the geography of malt and barley, Chile is usually not the first country that comes to mind. But in a normal year, some 75 percent of the Chilean harvest is of malting quality.

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The New Brewer: Raw Materials Issue

2014 World Barley and Hops Harvest

A comprehensive look at the 2014 hops and barley harvests, broken out into regions. First up: how shifting demand for hop varieties has led to replanting in the U.S.

Displaying results 41-50 of 69