Wheel Chock Safety
We have a policy that has been hard to enforce: we require that all trucks loading or unloading at our dock use wheel chocks. Neither the drivers nor our staff regularly take the time to do that. Can you give …Read More
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One of the main goals of the Brewers Association is to help brewery members develop safety programs and policies that comply with OSHA standards. Employers and employees must work together to assure a safe workplace. Employers need to perform workplace hazard assessments in order to determine necessary protective clothing, adequate engineering controls, and safe work practices as well as provide training and equipment. Employees have the responsibility to conduct themselves in a safe manner according to the equipment and training they have received.
We have a policy that has been hard to enforce: we require that all trucks loading or unloading at our dock use wheel chocks. Neither the drivers nor our staff regularly take the time to do that. Can you give …Read More
How do I properly dispose of used acid/caustic containers? The Safety Exchange Says: The first concern here is that no one reuses emptied hazardous materials containers for food or drinking water. When dispensing the last of the contents carefully rinse the …Read More
My brewery just had a close call with a forklift. I read that everyone that operates a forklift needs to be certified. The brewery is small and, according to the owners, we don’t have it in our budget to get …Read More
Why do we need to keep the Material Safety Data Sheets on file for 30 years, even if we no longer use the products? The Safety Exchange Says: OSHA requires 30-year retention of Safety Data Sheets or SDSs (formerly called MSDSs), …Read More
I work the night shift at a brewery with two owners and myself as a paid employee. Is my solo night work in violation of any safety standards? While we know of no OSHA general industry standards on the topic, solo …Read More
We have recently increase production at our brewery and are concerned about air quality for employees. Is there a calculation for how much CO2 is produced per barrel of beer fermenting? We are trying to figure out how much air …Read More
Is climbing a ladder leaned against a fermenter okay? Some of my cellaring tasks such as CIP, sanitizing, and dry-hopping require me to carry either reactive chemicals or bulk weight quantities of raw material up a ladder so that I …Read More
I know of people who have been seriously burned in the brewery. How can we protect our brewers from hot liquids? The Safety Exchange Says: Most importantly, safety with begins with hazard recognition. Knowing how boiling wort can jump out of …Read More
How do I determine if an injury is “work-related”? What is required by OSHA for record keeping when it comes to workplace injuries? The Safety Exchange Says: A work-related injury from a Workers Compensation standpoint may differ from an OSHA-recordable injury or …Read More
Can a general/generic Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) be developed similar to some of the Department of Labor OSHA “Quick Cards” and references which focus on the craft brewing industry? Have you discussed, or is there a basic guideline for very small …Read More