Vote Now: 2019 Board of Directors Election

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Want to help guide the activities and priorities of the Brewers Association—your trade group?

The Brewers Association Board of Directors election runs September 18 through October 16. One taproom brewer seat, two packaging brewer seats, and two pub brewer seats are available for terms starting this winter. We invite all voting members of the BA to participate.

Get to Know the Candidates




Voting Guidelines

  • Only one ballot per member brewing company will be counted (NOT one vote per location).
  • Each voting member brewery should only vote in one category. If you are unsure which category is correct, you can vote in both. We will review your ballot and retain the votes in the correct category.
  • Voting member criteria are described by the BA bylaws (no breweries in planning, contract breweries, etc.).


What does the Board of Directors do?

The Board of Directors governs the activities of the professional division of the BA and other Brewers Association divisions, including the American Homebrewers Association, Brewers Publications and Events.

Which class should I vote in? Packaging, pub brewer, or taproom?

The Brewers Association recognizes three voting classes. Please vote in the class that best represents your craft brewery.

  • Pub brewers are defined as those who sell more than 25 percent of their production on-site and operate significant food services.
  • Packaging brewers are defined as those who sell 75 percent or more of their production outside of the brewery.
  • Taproom brewers are defined as those who sell more than 25 percent of their production on-site and do not operate significant food services.
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