Board of Directors Candidates – Taproom Brewer

One taproom brewer seat is open for a three-year term. Taproom brewers are defined as those who sell more than 25% of their product onsite and do not operate significant food services.

Note: Only your vote in your voting membership class will count.

Taproom Brewery Candidates

Click on the candidate for more details.

Tomme Arthur

The Lost Abbey

Vista, California

Chris Nicholson

Roadmap Brewing Company

San Antonio, Texas

Tracy Cryder

Southern Tail Brewing

Little Rock, Arkansas

Veronica Zamora Espinoza

Turkey Forrest Brewing

Houston, Texas


  • Only one ballot per member brewing company will be counted (NOT one vote per location).
  • Voting member criteria are described by the BA bylaws (no breweries in planning, suppliers, etc.).
  • Ballots will be accepted through Nov. 13, 2024.

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