Three packaging brewer seats are open for three-year terms. Packaging brewers are defined as those who sell 75 percent or more of their product outside of the brewery.
Note: Only your vote in your voting membership class will count.
Packaging Brewery Candidates
Click on the candidates for more details.
Ken Wilson
Director of Sales, Lumberyard Brewing Company
Flagstaff, Ariz.
I am Ken Wilson, Director of Sales for Lumberyard Brewing Company in Flagstaff, Arizona, where I work at street level, in national accounts and with our distributor to grow our brand. I have been in the brewing industry for 28 years, helping build brands from 100 barrels a year to over 7,000, working within the AB and Miller/Coors networks as well as with independent craft distributors. I graduated from Arizona State University, served two terms as President of the Arizona Craft Brewers Guild, and am proudly raising my family here while representing one of the best breweries in the state.
I have extensive experience in both on-premise sales and off-premise distribution as well as building our business at the tap room level. I am involved in package design, inventory control and package procurement and have experience in franchise law across several states. This understanding of multiple points of distribution and supply will help me provide input and understanding on all aspects of the industry covered by the BA board and benefit our members.
The biggest challenge now and in the immediate future will be maintaining and regaining shelf space for craft in the off premise. Demonstrating success to the off premise buyer has historically been to show success in the on premise and in our tap rooms. We need to work with key accounts now more than ever as they are the volume drivers on and off premise and take advantage and be prepared when given that opportunity.
Independent on and off-premise support for small and independent brewers will continue to offer opportunities for small and independent craft brewers. Though the landscape has changed with industry consolidation, seltzers and RTDs, we share a commonality with independent retailers that resonates. These channels continue to be open to our members. It is where many of us started distribution and presents a great opportunity for us to work together with our customers now more than ever.
Jennifer Podhajsky
President & CEO, Yee-Haw Brewing Company
Johnson City, Tenn.
My name is Jennifer Podhajsky, and I am excited to be considered for a Board position with the BA. I believe organizations need active and engaged members. I look forward to contributing more broadly to our industry. I always found craft breweries the best way to experience local communities while travelling. I leveraged this interest when I joined Yee-Haw Brewing Company as CEO in 2021 after 25 years in marketing and management in Consumer Packaged Goods. My “traditional business” background allows me to bring a consumer mindset and business analytics to the table to help drive beer relevance and growth.
My experience includes a career in marketing and general management (Kraft, Hershey, Bush Brothers) and serving on boards (King Arthur Baking Company and Girl Scouts of Southern Appalachians). Today, I am excited to lead Yee-Haw with 4 brewery locations and distribution in Tennessee and South Carolina. I see parallels in my experience building brands, managing categories, and developing strategies. I can leverage this depth and breadth to bring a unique perspective to the BA board.
Craft beer sales are flat. The Harris Poll cites “choosing other alcoholic beverages” as the biggest drivers of less craft beer consumption. BA members need to understand the shifts in consumer behavior and determine how to re-engage consumers to ensure craft beer stays relevant and vibrant. There is opportunity in understanding how we might leverage these beyond beer categories (seltzers, RTDs, etc.) to help drive craft beer and the craft brewery experience.
Engaging and attracting the next generation of brewers and consumers. I believe many are struggling with brewers leaving the industry. We need to continue to attract, develop and retain great talent. Consumers entering the market have more choices today than ever before. We need to ensure craft beer is an approachable and attractive choice. Craft breweries, small and large, can work together to figure out our future in the communities we serve and love. CHEERS!
Fred Matt
President/CEO, FX Matt Brewing Company
Utica, N.Y.
I have seen the brewery community thrive, shrink to near-extinction, and thrive again with over 9,000 breweries today. Despite this tremendous growth, changing demographics & the growth of spirits is creating challenges for independent craft brewers. We must re-energize craft and recreate the excitement that once drove sales. As an At-Large Member of the BA Board, MDC Committee Chair (+15 years), PRM Committee Co-Chair, and Past NYSBA President, I have worked to build awareness of craft beer in NYS and nationally. I am asking for your vote to help build a stronger, more vibrant market, where independent breweries can thrive.
Born into a family of brewers, I grew up in the beer business. I worked in marketing/sales in Corporate America for eight years, before returning home to a floundering family business that today is a highly successful Brewery, celebrating 135 years in business, operating both in Craft Beer and the “Beyond Beer” space. Our success has and continues to come from a commitment to making quality beers that the consumer chooses to buy.
The market environment for craft beer is changing rapidly. It is becoming more competitive, and growth is slowing…and for some of us packaging breweries, declining, creating new challenges for many of us. I have experienced many of these challenges in my time at the brewery and see my role as a BA Board Member to help develop a path to success for independent brewers, in a much more challenging environment.
While we have great challenges ahead, we also have great opportunities for creating the excitement that drove craft growth. We will likely need to redefine what small, independent brewers looks like and evolve our products as consumer preferences change. We will achieve success, although it just may look a little different than we originally imagined
Kevin McGee
President & CEO, Anderson Valley Brewing Company
Boonville, Calif.
I’m Kevin McGee from Anderson Valley Brewing Company and I’ve actually been a brewer since I turned my garage into a nano brewery and founded the Healdsburg Beer Company in 2007. I’ve worked in alcoholic beverages as an attorney and a business consultant for over 20 years and have been full time at Anderson Valley Brewing Company since my family purchased it in December of 2019. We are a family owned and operated brewery and intend to be so for several generations and I’d love the opportunity to help the community by participating on the BA board.
I have a long history of legal work in alcoholic beverages and have broad general business and legal experience that ranges from complex distribution contract negotiations to drafting and negotiating legislation. I also have somewhat unexpectedly made a career of crisis management and have put those skills to use on others on-profit boards I’ve participated on including communications and outreach efforts.
I think a major challenge ahead is the consolation of the wholesaler tier and the current power imbalance between brewers and distributors. I’ve done extensive negotiation and advisory work in the distribution area and can lend my perspective and legal background to correcting those issues. I think another emerging issue is the consumer’s understanding of what craft beer is (and isn’t) and my background in communications and marketing campaigns could be of help addressing that.
The biggest opportunity I see is in the reclaiming the role of being the artisanal, elevated expression of beer and beer culture. By taking the image of craft beer further up market we gain a prestige effect and also better pricing flexibility that comes with a higher quality product. There’s also opportunity to redefine the craft beer culture as something that’s more experiential and personal between the consumer and the brewery.
Darron Welch
Brewmaster, Pelican Brewing
Pacific City, Ore.
I am running for the Brewers Association Board of Directors to give back to the brewing industry in which I’ve thrived for nearly 30 years. As a brewer from the rural Oregon Coast, and part of a company that has grown from a single 300 bbl. per year brewpub to a regional brewery with 4 locations, I bring a unique perspective to the issues that we all face. I look forward to listening to my fellow members, understanding the varied challenges we face, and pursuing policies that will benefit all member breweries throughout our country. I would appreciate your vote.
I have nearly 30 years’ experience in craft brewing, with a background in homebrewing, brewpub operations and packaging brewery operations. I have been with one brewery for 28 years, both as an employee and an owner. I have worked at the state level to expand brewpub self distribution rights and to defend against tax increases and other threats. I currently serve on the Oregon Brewers Guild Board of Directors.
The current softness in the overall beer market in the post-Covid era is a major challenge for all of us. Consumer behavior is unpredictable, so conservative budgeting, managing debt and good governance become important survival tools for breweries of all sizes as well as our trade organizations.
Small and independent brewers have a special place in their communities. We have the opportunity to buffer against challenging market conditions by building on these connections. Doubling down on strengthening those relationships helps independent brewers who are in it for the long haul.
Chris Herron
CEO | Co-Founder, Creature Comforts Brewing Company
Athens, Ga.
It has been a huge honor to serve on the Board of Directors for the last three years and I look forward to continuing the important work that we are doing. My focus has been on how we prepare the BA and its members for the future ahead. We are moving into a new world in beverage alcohol, with both new opportunities and threats, and as an organization and businesses, it is imperative that we accept this reality and plan for it effectively. A thriving Craft Beer community, at it’s simplest form, requires thriving craft brewery businesses.
With over 20 years in the adult beverage industry with both large multi-national strategics and small craft breweries as an entreprenuer, I hae a lot of different perspectives and views. I’ve served for over 7 years on the boards of non-profits, and understand the importance of ensuring the bridge between the association and the businesses is strong and aligned. My background in our industry spans sales, finance, marketing, and operations across both beer and spirits.
The challenges for our industry are multi-faceted, but the largest is simply competition. Craft beer has matured and it creates an incredibly competitive market. It’s not only the quantity of competitors, but the quality too. We’ve been fighting large multi-national beer companies and now we’re fighting total beverage and CPG companies, as well as a variety of new products (NA, Seltzer, RTD). As a board member, my focus is on helping breweries become better businesses.
Our biggest opportunities are thinking more broadly about what it means to be a small and independent craft brewer (and association), while also defining more clearly who we are (and who we are not), so that we can avoid distractions and stay relevant in the minds of consumers, retailers, distributors, and legislators.
Pamela Brulotte
Founder, Icicle Brewing Company
Leavenworth, Wash.
Hi! I’m the Founder of Icicle Brewing Company (2010), and our restaurant, München Haus (2001) with my husband, Oliver. We have three adult children and love the people and the passion of our industry. I currently serve on the Brewers Association Board of Directors, DEI Committee, Market Development Committee and PRM Committee. As past recipient of the FX Matt Defense of the Industry award, I am passionate about protecting our industry. I also believe in fostering quality, education, collaboration, safe and inclusive communities. I am very grateful to have this opportunity to continue to represent small and independent brewers.
Serving on the Board, I am dedicated to exemplifying our Purpose Mission Values. I have experience with Legislative issues at both the state and federal level. I also have a BA in Education and a MEd in Counseling so educational efforts are very important to me along with relationship building. I have been in the industry for over 29 years and love giving back to our community and bringing people together over craft beer.
Some challenges ahead are ensuring that the beer industry continues to innovate and remain relevant. It is important that we retain our access to market and shelf space. Our industry is so benevolent and collaborative, it is so important that we continue to inspire so that we continue to attract new customers and be leaders in our community. Also that we work hard at being welcoming and inclusive and representing the diversity in our communities.
As we continue to evolve as an industry, we need to keep producing innovative quality beer, retaining and growing our access to market, and protecting our industry of independent brewers. We also need to continue to share our stories and welcoming new consumers into our businesses while fostering inclusive brewing communities. Also, to keep collaborating and educating ourselves and our teams to be better people who love bringing others together through craft beer.
- Only one ballot per member brewing company will be counted (NOT one vote per location).
- Voting member criteria are described by the BA bylaws (no breweries in planning, contract breweries, etc.).
- Ballots will be accepted through Oct. 31, 2023.