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Using Excel Spreadsheets in the Brewery

Timothy presents examples of how Excel spreadsheets can be used throughout the brewery, from business proforma, beer formulation and brew sheets to brewery inventory and cost analysis. Read More


Using Spectrophotometry to Improve Your Brewing Process

This seminar helps small, expanding breweries diagnose brewing issues with a spectrophotometer and discusses how to correct those issues and grow into the process when capacity increases. The seminar includes methods for determining IBUs, oxidative precursors, FAN, polyphenols (tannins) and …Read More

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The New Brewer: Technical Brewing Issue

Managing Quality with Checklists

Establishing checklists based on standard operating procedures can turn all aspects of brewery operation into documented, sequential processes, essential during rapid change.

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The New Brewer: Brewpubs Issue

What Does Your Beer Really Cost?

If you don’t have a clear view of the cost of your beer, you may be pouring dollars down the drain. A well-established cost analysis will provide invaluable data.

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The New Brewer: Technical Brewing Issue

Creating a Brewery Operations Manual

At the heart of any successful business is a good operating system. Without this you are basically operating by the seat of your pants, no matter how good your beer is.

Displaying results 51-60 of 60