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Displaying results 241-250 of 256

On-Premise Craft Data

GuestMetrics provides on-premise data to view craft beer sales trends across the country. Read More


Distribution Agreements and 3-Tier System

This discussion will allow brewers, marketers and managers to understand various laws regarding distribution and advertising to better understand what steps they must take on the front end to protect their companies from liabilities and disputes. There will be opportunity …Read More


Allies or Competitors

With so many new breweries coming on board, inevitably they are located more closely together. Claudia discusses whether this strains the customer base and if breweries should work together to educate the public on the pleasures of craft beer to …Read More


Service IS Beer Sales!

In a brewpub, you know the WHAT (beer ingredients, flavors, styles, etc.) needed to train your staff about beer. Now learn HOW to train your service staff to be beer salespeople, from the new hire to the experienced staffer, with …Read More

tnbso13 Trademark Importance 1140x500 1
The New Brewer: Sales & Marketing Issue

The Importance of Trademark Clearance

In a collegial industry that prides itself on creative branding, how can you reduce the risk of getting into disputes with your neighbors over brand names?

tnbso13 Beyond Mugs 600x400 1
The New Brewer: Sales & Marketing Issue

Beyond Mug Clubs

Mug clubs are just as popular with the newest generation of beer drinkers as the previous. However, noteworthy variations on that theme can build a whole new community.

Displaying results 241-250 of 256