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Displaying results 41-50 of 52
tnbjf16 beer training brewpubs 600x400 1
The New Brewer: Brewpubs Issue

Ongoing Beer Training for Servers

Keeping your staff interested and involved with the training process can be a challenge, so refreshing frequently with new training concepts can be the key to success.


Hiring and Brewer Retention: A Brewer’s Perspective

Hiring and retaining quality brewing staff is vital to being a successful brewery. This panel will discuss the critical factors involved in hiring and retaining strong brewing team members. The conversation is from a brewer’s point of view while acknowledging …Read More


Planning for an Exit: How to Prepare for an Ownership Transition

Join a craft founder, an industry consultant/banker, an ESOP advisor and an estate planning expert as they discuss observations and options surrounding the preparation and execution of an ownership transfer. Whether it be on the near term horizon or in …Read More


Hiring, Training and Managing Craft Beer Salespeople

Learn how to hire, train and manage craft beer salespeople for success. We’ll walk through each area and give you real world tactics you can put to use immediately to help drive profitable sales volume. Read More


Employment Law for Brewery Managers

This seminar is presented to raise awareness of employment issues facing the brewing industry and to provide some helpful tips on how to address these items up front in an effort to avoid costly legal problems. This seminar is designed …Read More

tnbjf14 server training
The New Brewer: Brewpubs Issue

Ramping Up Server Training

It’s not just good beer and food that makes a brewpub successful; it’s the people who work there, too. The beer may sell itself, but somebody’s got to serve it—and do it well.


Employment Law for Brewery Managers

This seminar raises awareness of employment issues common to the brewing industry and provides helpful tips on how to address these items up-front to avoid costly legal problems. Read More


Human Resource for Non Human Resource People

Once again, Corkie and her panel of human resource professionals from the craft brewing industry share information regarding everything from labor laws to creating a great workplace culture. Read More

Displaying results 41-50 of 52