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May/June 2021

Industry Review Issue

For the May/June 2021 The New Brewer, we present our annual Industry Review issue. The year 2020 was undoubtedly craft’s toughest so far, with overall volume down 9%. We take a look back at how each segment fared during a tumultuous year, with taprooms leading the way at nearly flat growth and brewpubs taking the biggest hit, down 19.3%.

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2020 Overview

As bad as circumstances were for 2020, there are reasons for optimism. Many craft breweries took a direct hit with double-digit declines, but found a way to survive.

Industry Review Issue

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The New Brewer: Industry Review Issue


Overall, brewpubs were hit harder than any other segment of craft beer in 2020, with production tumbling 19.3%. The impact varied from region to region.

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The New Brewer: Industry Review Issue


Across the country, microbreweries facing widespread shutdowns and business restrictions just a couple of months into the year found ways to adjust and innovate.

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The New Brewer: Industry Review Issue


Taprooms in particular showed a remarkable ability to adapt while many individual businesses struggled in 2020. They finished the year down just 0.1%.

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The New Brewer: Industry Review Issue


The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have tipped the playing field in favor of older, larger breweries with familiar brand names and high-speed packaging lines.

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The New Brewer: Industry Review Issue

Large Breweries + Imports

Fueled by the pandemic and pantry loading, Big Beer bounced back in 2020. Even some big legacy beer brands that had previously posted down numbers showed some strength.

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