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January/February 2019

Taprooms Issue

Say it ain’t so, Charlie! The publish date for the January/February 2019 The New Brewer coincides with Charlie Papazian’s exit from the Brewers Association after 40 years. We honor our founding father with a feature on his legacy by Dick Cantwell as well as in the back-page interview. In addition, January/February marks our Taprooms issue as the Brewers Association ushers in a new member category to accommodate the increasingly popular business model.

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Cover Story

Taprooms Issue

JFtnb19 Cover Taprooms

Taprooms 2.0: Craft Beer’s Booming Business Model

Taproom sales have become so important to craft beer growth that the Brewers Association, at its board meeting in November, created a new membership category.

Taprooms Issue

Featured Stories

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The New Brewer: Taprooms Issue

Taproom Success: It’s All in the Details

Your taproom is your brand, your mothership. Why go through all the trouble of making the best beer possible if you’re not going to present it in the best possible environment?

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The New Brewer: Taprooms Issue

Disrupting the Distributors: The Long Tail Gets Longer

Some are starting to see the new wave of at-the-brewery sales—volume sold in brewery taprooms and brewpubs—as disrupting the disruptors, shaking up the establishment.

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The New Brewer: Taprooms Issue

The One and Only Charlie Papazian

Sometimes an era or a movement can be characterized and embodied in the figure of a single person. For the homebrewing and craft brewing movement, that person is Charlie.

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The New Brewer: Taprooms Issue

Pushing the Boundaries: Cannabis and Beer

Boundary pushers and opportunists that we are, brewers in many states have endeavored to bring some form of marijuana into combination with beer, with varying success.

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The New Brewer: Taprooms Issue

Contemporary Gose: Flavor Profiles and Acidity

To better understand a gose-style beer, it’s important to know about acidity, as explored in this excerpt from Gose: Brewing a Classic German Beer for the Modern Era.

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