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Zero to 100,000 Barrels in 10 Years: What Worked for Schilling Cider

Colin Schilling and Mark Kornei share the growth journey of Schilling Cider, highlighting key drivers in six categories. From a startup to the nation's largest fresh-pressed hard cider producer, they offer insights into successes and failures, providing valuable ideas and tools for craft producers aiming to scale up in a dynamic market.Read More


Brewing a Culture of Wellness: Nurturing Sobriety and Promoting Responsible Drinking in the Craft Beer Industry

In this industry professionals share personal struggles and discuss topics including alcohol use disorder, fostering open conversations, and implementing initiatives for healthy drinking habits. The aim is to cultivate balance, support, and wellbeing in brewery culture.Read More


Brewing Resilience: Broaching Tough Conversations Around Burnout

This seminar addresses brewery burnout for all staff levels, offering insights and practical strategies. Learn to recognize burnout, understand its significance, and engage in difficult conversations about it and gain tools for addressing burnout effectively within yourself and your team.Read More


School Is Always in Session: Actively Integrating Beer Education in the Taproom

This seminar emphasizes the importance of beer education in taprooms. Four beer educators share strategies for integrating education into the taproom experience for staff and customers. They offer tangible examples and tips for maintaining educational priorities, even through staff turnover, ensuring it becomes ingrained in brewery culture.Read More


Engaging Brewery Staff and Customers Through Beer Education

Craft beer has shifted from obscurity to abundance, posing a challenge for new drinkers in navigating vast choices. This panel explores modern beer education approaches for enthusiasts and casual consumers alike. Speakers discuss tools for customers and staff to appreciate beer diversity, fostering employee engagement and customer excitement.Read More


Unheard-of Safety Risk: Occupational Noise Exposure

This seminar dives into occupational noise exposure for the brewing industry, highlighting how to create a hearing conservation program, noise monitoring, audiometric testing, hearing protection and the responsibility a company has for safeguarding their employee's hearing health.Read More


Ergonomics and Stretching: Crafting Safety, One Move at a Time

Brewing is a physically demanding occupation. Understanding the importance of proper body mechanics and environmental design during brewing processes is vital in ensuring a safe work environment. Learn practical and simple ways to incorporate ergonomics and avoid serious injuries at your brewery.Read More

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