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Displaying results 31-40 of 69
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The New Brewer: Raw Materials Issue

Propagating Healthy and Happy Yeast

A healthy yeast cell is much more than a bioreactor that converts sugars to ethanol and CO2. If treated well, this critical organism will produce tasty beer with great qualities.

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Raw Materials Issue

For the November/December 2018 The New Brewer, we present our annual Raw Materials issue, focusing on the 2018 barley and hop harvests in the U.S. and beyond. The U.S. is once again the world’s top producer of hops, and the U.S. barley crop bounced back from a disappointing 2017. Read More

This issue is brought to you by Yakima Chief Hops


Yeast Management and Propagation

Yeast propagation and management are essential for a successful and stable fermentation. Learn how to produce the right amount of yeast in a short amount of time with a high vitality and viability. Join VLB Berlin’s Kurt Marshall as he …Read More


PCR Testing to Ensure Quality: A Panel Discussion

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a valuable analytical tool that can be used to test for spoilage bacteria and wild yeast in the brewery. This technology is more affordable and user-friendly than ever, and can dramatically improve microbiological control and …Read More


The Truth About Diacetyl

During every beer fermentation, a countless array of flavor byproducts is produced. Most of these compounds add to the character and complexity of the beer, but some can be considered off-flavors. One of these offenders is the buttered popcorn quality …Read More


Starting with Quality: Not Just Another Lab Talk

In the ever-growing craft brewing world, quality is on everyone’s mind. This seminar will focus on the basics of a lab and quality program for start-up breweries. Learn how to start the journey to quality beer with the right tools …Read More


Harnessing Brettanomyces for Flavor Development

Originally identified by New Carlsberg brewery in 1904 as “necessary for bringing English stock beers into proper condition, Brettanomyces yeasts are today best known for their devastating effects on wine quality. Recent growth in the production of American craft saisons …Read More

Displaying results 31-40 of 69