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Displaying results 21-30 of 50

Yeast Management and Propagation

Yeast propagation and management are essential for a successful and stable fermentation. Learn how to produce the right amount of yeast in a short amount of time with a high vitality and viability. Join VLB Berlin’s Kurt Marshall as he …Read More


PCR Testing to Ensure Quality: A Panel Discussion

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a valuable analytical tool that can be used to test for spoilage bacteria and wild yeast in the brewery. This technology is more affordable and user-friendly than ever, and can dramatically improve microbiological control and …Read More


Starting with Quality: Not Just Another Lab Talk

In the ever-growing craft brewing world, quality is on everyone’s mind. This seminar will focus on the basics of a lab and quality program for start-up breweries. Learn how to start the journey to quality beer with the right tools …Read More


ASBC Lab-in-a-Fishbowl, Session 2: Contamination Detection

This joint project between the Brewers Association and the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) is designed to deliver basic quality methodology to attendees. This session will be comprised of an overview and demonstration of traditional microbiological plating techniques (e.g. …Read More

Displaying results 21-30 of 50