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Displaying results 51-60 of 153

PCR Testing to Ensure Quality: A Panel Discussion

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a valuable analytical tool that can be used to test for spoilage bacteria and wild yeast in the brewery. This technology is more affordable and user-friendly than ever, and can dramatically improve microbiological control and …Read More


Yeast Management and Propagation

Yeast propagation and management are essential for a successful and stable fermentation. Learn how to produce the right amount of yeast in a short amount of time with a high vitality and viability. Join VLB Berlin’s Kurt Marshall as he …Read More


Malt Flavor: Why the Craft Industry Gives a Chit

In 2015, the ASBC Sensory Subcommittee identified a major gap in raw materials research: no standardized method of malt sensory analysis. A small team, led by Cassie Poirier from Briess, pioneered a project to develop one. Since its advent and …Read More


Myth Busting: Kettle Souring. The Appliance of Science

The kettle souring process is a commonly used method for creating refreshing sour beers in a relatively short period of time. The process, as commonly described, aims to create clean sour beers while minimizing the potential for off-flavor development. This …Read More

Displaying results 51-60 of 153

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