The Brewers Association (BA) wishes to develop a resource to help brewers communicate their needs regarding yeast supply purity and align expectations between yeast suppliers and brewers.
As the number of brewers and yeast suppliers continues to grow, along with the proliferation of yeast strains used within individual breweries and throughout the industry, it is important to set standards to ensure beer quality and consumer safety.
The resource must address the supply of pure culture yeast and best practices for suppliers and brewers to minimize contamination with unwanted microorganisms. The successful vendor will bring substantial experience with yeast supply, propagation and quality control, as well as brewery yeast management practices. The vendor will also provide guidance that balances realistic needs and expectations from yeast suppliers and brewers alike.
The BA requires a vendor who has extensive knowledge with yeast supplier practices and craft brewery best practices. The vendor will be able to effectively work in collaboration with BA staff, BA quality subcommittee, and BA member breweries and suppliers to foster a relationship of trust and confidence between themselves and BA. A successful vendor will work to identify knowledge gaps, and then fill those gaps.
View more details on the scope of work and how to submit a proposal.
The deadline for submission is June 30, 2019.