Pub Brewer Special Election

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To fill a vacated pub brewer representative seat on the Board of Directors, the Brewers Association (BA) is holding a special election for one seat with a term that expires February 2023. Pub brewer voting members of the association will have the option to vote online starting May 25 through June 9. Outlined by the Brewers Association bylaws, pub brewers are defined as those who sell more than 25% of their production on-site and operate significant food services.

Voting Guidelines

  • Only votes from BA members in the pub brewer class will count for this special election.
  • Only one ballot per member brewing company will be counted (NOT one vote per location).
  • Voting member criteria are described by the BA bylaws (no breweries in planning, contract breweries, etc.).

What Does the Board of Directors Do?

The Board of Directors governs the activities of the professional division of the BA and other BA divisions, including the American Homebrewers Association, Brewers Publications, and Events.

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