TTB Bootcamp 2017
The Brewers Association is partnering with the U.S. Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) to present a series of talks aimed at how brewers can most efficiently interact with the TTB. The TTB is based a few blocks away in D.C., …Read More
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The U.S. Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau is responsible for enforcing the laws regulating alcohol production, importation, and wholesale businesses; tobacco manufacturing and importing businesses; and alcohol labeling and advertising. Use these resources to ensure you’re in compliance.
The Brewers Association is partnering with the U.S. Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) to present a series of talks aimed at how brewers can most efficiently interact with the TTB. The TTB is based a few blocks away in D.C., …Read More
In this presentation, director Bob Angelo and assistant director Sandie Sisler of the TTB Trade Investigations Division will discuss the various federal trade practice rules that every brewer should know. TTB will touch on the federal rules surrounding exclusive outlet, …Read More
In this Power Hour, alcohol beverage attorney Marc Sorini addresses the many issues that make up trade practice law at the federal and state levels.Read More
This seminar covers TTB trade practice, formulation, and label submission requirements, and will provide information on analytical testing for label compliance. Read More
This Power Hour is a comprehensive labeling and formula tutorial from the TTB's Malt Beverage Specialist, Michael Webster.Read More
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is responsible for the regulation and taxation of alcohol beverage products for revenue collection and consumer protection purposes. In that capacity, TTB reviews labels and formulas for many malt beverage products …Read More
In this webinar, Katie Marisic, Bob Pease and David Ransom discuss the Small BREW Act, H.R. 232 and S. 375.Read More
Many commonly recognized traditional ingredients and processes no longer need federal formula approval. Learn the implications for your brewery.Read More
A two-part seminar where Charlie Tull will cover the Federal reporting obligations from the receipt of raw materials to the removal of beer from the brewery. Additionally, Rick Chow guides attendees through the TTB’s web-based system for drafting, submitting, and …Read More
Branding and marketing your beer takes creativity, hard work, time and money, but there are also legal questions that craft brewers ignore at their peril. This panel brings together a craft brewer and an experienced trademark and copyright lawyer who …Read More