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Displaying results 1-10 of 39

Craft Beer & Spirits

Craft Beer & Spirits

In this installment of the BA "Craft Beer &" series, we explore the growth trajectory of distilled spirits, consumer trends, and the crossover taking place by breweries to ensure the upswell in spirits doesn't pass them by.Read More

mobile playlist icon Off Flavor Management Glass of beer with off flavor icons around it

Off Flavor Management

The fact sheets in this series describe common beer off flavors and how they can be prevented through proactive measures.Read More

The Capacity Question two people walking through brewhouse

The Capacity Question

Discover the "what" and the "why" behind craft's low capacity utilization, as well as the "how" craft brewers are adapting their business models to address excess capacity.Read More

Regional Trends in Styles and Production range of beer styles in various glassware

Regional Trends in Styles and Production

Step away from national averages and join us as we journey into your local context. This post explores the statistics behind variations in craft style sales and production by region, division, and state.Read More

mobile playlist icon Beer Freshness Series beautiful glass of beer with sparkle

Beer Freshness Series

This series provides resources on oxygen-monitoring methods and sensors and how to mitigate oxygen during brewing, cellaring, and packaging.Read More

Pasteurization: Getting Started With the Basics Man operating canning line

Pasteurization: Getting Started With the Basics

Understand the pasteurization unit (PU) calculation, equipment used, validation points, factors affecting PUs, and safety considerations.Read More

A Review of Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Technologies Beer bubbles around the title A Review of Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Technologies

A Review of Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Technologies

Learn about the three unique sensor technologies used in the measurement of dissolved oxygen in beer: optical, polarographic, and galvanic.Read More

Techniques for Dissolved Oxygen Sampling and Analysis Beer bubbles around title Techniques for Dissolved Oxygen Sampling and Analysis

Techniques for Dissolved Oxygen Sampling and Analysis

Following best practice guidelines will ensure effective sampling for monitoring dissolved oxygen (DO) throughout the brewing process.Read More

Methods for Monitoring Oxygen: Sensory vs. Instrumentation Beer bubbles around words Methods for Monitoring Oxygen, Sensory versus Instrumentation

Methods for Monitoring Oxygen: Sensory vs. Instrumentation

Both methods of detecting oxygen offer different types of data that can work together in the pursuit of maintaining beer flavor.Read More

An Introduction to Monitoring and Managing Beer Freshness Text reads Beer Freshness Series, An Introduction to Monitoring and Managing Beer Freshness against background of fizzy beer.

An Introduction to Monitoring and Managing Beer Freshness

This introductory resource will provide background on beer freshness, oxidations, and how to make practical process improvements.Read More

Displaying results 1-10 of 39