Creating a Safe Non-Alcohol Beer Product
Brewing a non-alcohol (NA) beer can be challenging from a flavor standpoint, but the lack of alcohol also creates food safety considerations that are separate from alcohol-containing beers.
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For many years, breweries have leaned on the assertion that there are no known pathogens (bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms that can cause disease) that can survive in beer. While many studies have shown beer to be an inhospitable environment for many microorganisms, it is important to understand that potential food safety hazards are not limited to pathogens. Potential threats include chemical and physical hazards which could harm a consumer. It is the responsibility of the brewer to ensure that they have taken all necessary measures to identify and prevent all potential hazards.
Brewing a non-alcohol (NA) beer can be challenging from a flavor standpoint, but the lack of alcohol also creates food safety considerations that are separate from alcohol-containing beers.
Since packaging operations are the last set of a brewery’s process steps to touch beer before it’s consumed, it’s essential that breweries pay strict attention to food safety.