Life of the Party
Fermentation, whether vegetables, meat, grain, or other ingredients, is a fundamental force in our lives, as evidenced in this excerpt from The Fermentation Kitchen.
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We all know that bringing beer and food together can offer valuable expriences to consumers and eleveate both the beer and food. The resources in this section, including the CraftBeer.com Beer & Food Course, cover everything you need to know about beer and food, from beer and food pairing, to menu development and pricing strategy, to the logistics of hosting a beer dinner.
Fermentation, whether vegetables, meat, grain, or other ingredients, is a fundamental force in our lives, as evidenced in this excerpt from The Fermentation Kitchen.
The explosive growth of craft beer has brought massive changes to beer cuisine. As craft brewers continue to gain market share, it’s time to see food menus play their part as well.
There are fundamental similarities between the chef and brewer, and the use of ingredients and strategies can act as a canvas for elevated food and beer pairings.
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the author presents a special pairing menu of courses both cooked with and paired with the perfect beer, with a Bavarian flair.
Michelin star chef Werner Licht of Haralds Kochschule in Munich, Germany, has taken the concept of beer cuisine into the forbidden realm of reductions.