Mark Vandervoort

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What’s your current position at your brewery, and how did you get started in the craft brewing industry?

My title is cellarman…I had to google it after I accepted the job two years ago [at No Label Brewing Company in Katy, Texas]. After I got laid off from sales in the steel industry, I hung out at the brewery networking. Lo and behold, I found the best job I’ve had in my life.

What’s new at No Label?

We recently added a canning line. Packaging might be able to keep up with my transfers now…OK, I might be working later. It’s all good!

What’s the best part of being a part of the craft brewing community?

The people! At 54, this is the best job I have ever had. The sense of satisfaction in helping to create a product that is appreciated and loved, not only by the community but others in our industry, is immense. Meeting the people enjoying our beer in the town I grew up in makes home feel more like home.

Name a favorite food and beer pairing.

It’s all good with beer.

What’s your biggest accomplishment unrelated to your job?

My 15-year-old daughter. I could not possibly accomplish anything better! (I did sell $16 million worth of new homes in one year, but making great beer beats that.)

What’s your favorite beer that your brewery does not produce?

They’re all good! I tasted B52 Raspberry Muse recently…I like sour! Dammit Jim from New Republic is a great go-to beer. Conspiracy Theory from Southern Star is a good IPA. Ghost in the Machine by Parish…mmm!

What’s the most memorable travel destination at which you’ve had a chance to sample the local beer?

All the guild-related meetings in Texas have allowed me to meet people who continue to grow my love for the craft. In Austin last year, I got to meet head brewer Averie at Jester King and see my first coolship. And Twisted X is very laid back and has good beer.

What do you like to do in your time away from the brewery?

Rest! This is a tough job but a lot of fun. I’ve actually lost 40+ pounds making beer. I like our monthly guild meetings at other local breweries, and just visiting with people enjoying our beer.