Dan Kopman

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Dan Kopman is a former member of the Brewers Association Board of Directors.

What’s your current position at your brewery?

I’m co-founder and co-chairman of the board at Schlafly Beer in St. Louis, Mo.

What’s new at Schlafly and what’s next on the horizon?

Finding our place as a 60,000-bbl brewer dealing with both a very aggressive AB-InBev in St. Louis and an ever growing number of brewers both large and small is a big part of what we are working on.

How long have you served on the BA board of directors?

Since February 2015.

What’s it like to serve on the board?

I enjoy learning from others. This helps me to shape my views on how best to represent the interests of America’s small and independent brewers. A lot of the work is at the committee level, working since 2009 on the federal excise tax issue and in the future as co-chair of the Market Development Committee.

What challenges and satisfactions have you met during your board service?

There is no doubt that being part of the development of our government affairs expertise has been very exciting and educational. The work and time involved in enacting legislation to further graduate federal excise taxes has been the greatest challenge to date. Navigating the messaging that will promote the interests of craft breweries against the brands of the multinational brewers will be a huge challenge.

What do you like to do in your time away from the brewery and the BA board?

Spending time with our family and friends in the U.S. and the UK is great fun.

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