Push Comes Before Year-End Deadline
WASHINGTON — Leaders in the beverage alcohol sector are urging industry advocates across the nation to participate in a national Day of Action on December 1 by contacting their members of Congress to urge passage of the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act, S.362/H.R. 1175 (CBMTRA).
“With less than four weeks remaining before the current tax rates expire, the entire industry is mobilizing their networks, consumers and suppliers to send an urgent call to Congress that they must act now,” said the CBMTRA Coalition. “This year has been incredibly difficult for craft distillers, vintners, brewers, cider makers and mead makers due to COVID-19. These businesses had to make incredibly difficult decisions like closing tasting rooms, stopping production and furloughing staff. A drastic tax hike at the stroke of midnight on December 31 will be a devastating start to the new year for these small businesses that are already struggling to keep their doors open.”
Day of Action participants are encouraged to call, tweet and email their members of Congress to pass this bipartisan legislation and can do so in less than five minutes. Click here for additional information.
The CBMTRA coalition, a group of beverage alcohol trade associations including the Beer Institute, Brewers Association, Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, American Craft Spirits Association, American Distilled Spirits Alliance, Wine Institute, WineAmerica, the United States Association of Cider Makers and American Mead Makers Association, is sponsoring the daylong campaign.
“Whether you are one of the millions of professionals in the beverage alcohol industry, a supply chain partner or a loyal consumer, we need your help to ensure Congress understands the critical nature of passing this legislation by the end of the year,” said the CBMTRA coalition. “Please join us on the CBMTRA Day of Action on December 1 by calling on your representatives to act now.”
Introduced by senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) and by representatives Ron Kind (D-Wis.) and Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), the legislation will make permanent reforms enacted in 2017 that create a fair and equitable tax structure for brewers, winemakers, distillers and importers of all beverage alcohol. The bill currently has 351 sponsors in the House and 77 in the Senate.
American Craft Spirits Association: Alexandra Clough, alexandra@gatherpr.com, 516-428-7210
American Mead Makers Association: Vicky Rowe, Vicky@mead-makers.com, 919-414-9911
Beer Institute: Alex Davidson, adavidson@beerinstitute.org, 202-737-2337
Brewers Association: Ann Obenchain, ann@brewersassociation.org, 720-473-5341
Distilled Spirits Council: Lisa Hawkins, lhawkins@DistilledSpirits.org, 202-682-8840
US Association of Cider Makers: Paul Vander Heide, paul@vandermill.com, 616-259-8828
Wine Institute: Gladys Horiuchi, communications@wineinstitute.org, 415-356-7525
WineAmerica: Michael Kaiser, mkaiser@wineamerica.org, 202-223-5172
American Distilled Spirits Alliance: Matt Dogali, media@americandistilledspirits.org, 202-670-4616