The Brewers Association would like to inform all Export Development Program members of the 2015 Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival.
The 2015 Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival is one of Europe’s largest trade and consumer shows and competition. The show runs from September 24-26 and again from October 1-3. This will be the BA’s eleventh appearance at the festival. Previous visits have resulted in new distribution for U.S. craft beers in Sweden’s retail monopoly, the local on-premise sector, and elsewhere in Scandinavia. We hope to continue that success by again featuring a range of beers and as always, all beers featured at the event through the BA will be submitted to the Festival’s international beer competition. Sylvia Kopp, BA EDP American Craft Beer European Ambassador will be representing the Brewers Association at the festival. Sylvia will be presenting a master classes on American craft beer.
Deadline: Register your beers now on the Brewers Association website.
Beers due to Brewers Association warehouse: Tuesday, September 8th
All details can be found on the BA Calendar page: 2015 Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival.