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Brewers need hops, hop growers need brewers, and this interconnected hop supply chain needs the support of relevant hop research. In this Collab Hour webinar, learn about the Hop Research Council (HRC) and the Brewers Association’s (BA) Hopsource event, and their respective roles in supporting hop research. The HRC’s new director, Alicia Adler, will provide updates from last month’s winter meeting held in Santa Rosa, California, while the BA’s Katie Fromuth will walk attendees through the 2022 Hopsource results.
About the Speakers

Alicia Adler, Director
Hop Research Council
Alicia Adler is the Executive Technical Director at the Hop Research Council (HRC). She assumed this role in August 2022 after 15 years of developing markets and providing technical support for multiple specialty crop industries. In her new role, Alicia serves as a key strategic and research leader in the hop industry, providing oversight of HRC-funded projects focused on hop breeding, disease management, pest management, agronomic advancements, and crop sustainability. She partners closely with industry stakeholders to ensure public research benefits all levels of the hop value chain.

Katie Fromuth, Technical Brewing Projects Coordinator
Brewers Association
Katie Fromuth is the Technical Brewing Projects Coordinator for the Brewers Association. Prior to this role she held the position of Quality Lab Director in the Fermentation Science and Technology program at Colorado State University and as Quality Lab Manager at Oskar Blues Brewery, Longmont. She received her bachelor's degree in environmental health (2012) and master's in horticulture with a concentration in agricultural chemistry (2022). She received a General Certificate in Brewing from the Institute of Brewing and Distilling, completed the Advanced Class in Craft Malt Production, and served as an instructor for the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) Deep Dive into Quality course. She currently sits on the ASBC Technical Committee and served on the Rocky Mountain District Master Brewers Association of the Americas board for seven years. She's passionate about communicating the science and art of brewing and fermentation to spark in others a curiosity and joy towards this fantastic world of fermentation.