This training guide and reference manual, created by the Brewpubs Committee, is intended to be used over and over.
It’s a resource that shows brewpub owners, managers and trainers how to pass along content, training and concepts to staff. The approaches suggested in the manual are based upon successful programs and the experience of those providing input for the creation of the manual.
When looking through the manual for the first time, note that there are sections dedicated to the reasons training beer service staff is so important, as well as the concepts behind a successful training program. Both will be useful for all pubs, from those building a program from the ground up to those giving an existing program a facelift.
Manual content was created by the Brewpub Server Training Manual Subcommittee: Larry Chase, Tom Dargen, Ginger Johnson, Cyrena Nouzille and Sebastian Wolfrum.
The collaborative author was Laura Lodge.

Tim Brady, Membership Ambassador
Learn more about Tim Brady on our Ambassadors & Instructors page and find out where he is training next on our Trainings & Workshops page.