Facing a third reading deadline, S.B. 3245 provides that any person licensed as a brewer, class 1 brewer, or class 2 brewer shall be permitted to sell on the licensed premises to non-licensees for on-premises or off-premises consumption (instead of for on or off-premises consumption for the premises in which he or she actually conducts such business) and may sell wine or spirits on the licensed premises for off-premises consumption.
IL Brewer Retail Expansion Bill Faces a Floor Vote Deadline

Pete Johnson served as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA) until 2024. He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.
See Pete Johnson's ArticlesLinks:

Pete Johnson served as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA) until 2024. He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.
See Pete Johnson's Articles