Help Delaware Craft Brewers Oppose the Beer Tax Increase

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The Delaware Brewers Guild is asking you to contact your State Representative TODAY and ask them to oppose House Bill 241.

Please read the following information provided by the Delaware Brewers Guild.

The Delaware Brewers Guild is asking you to take immediate action by contacting your Representative in opposition to House Bill 241, a measure that will increase the taxes on beer.

House Bill 241 has been voted out of committee and now awaits a vote before the full House.  Please call or email your Representative TODAY and let him/her know you are concerned about the effects this bill will have on Delaware’s small brewery businesses and on you as a consumer.

Some points to make in your communication:

  • Raising excise taxes will hurt our small, local and independent brewers. Burdening these small, growing businesses with even more taxes will put their future at risk, imperiling local jobs and business tax revenue for local communities.
  • Raising taxes will also have an impact on retailers, leading to lower sales in our state’s restaurants, bars, grocery stores, and convenience stores. Furthermore, Delaware residents will leave our state to buy products in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey where their money will go further.
  • As a consumer, I don’t want to pay more to enjoy my beer made locally by my favorite breweries.
  • Hiking the excise tax is not the answer to the state’s budget problems. Please oppose House Bill 241 and any increase in alcohol taxes.

Follow this link to identify your Representative and to access contact information.

Thank you for your immediate action and support.

John Klein


Delaware Brewers Guild

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