FL Malt Beverage Legislation Dies in Committee

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Both bills dying in committee, House Bill 1107 and companion S.B. 1348 sought to authorize manufacturers of malt beverages to transfer malt beverages to another manufacturer for brewing under certain conditions; specify conditions under which licensed craft breweries may conduct tastings and sell malt beverages; delete the definition of the term “keg”; revise a provision to limit the number of barrels, rather than kegs, of malt beverages certain vendors may brew annually; authorize contract brewers to transfer malt beverages to contracting brewers and to contract with other contracting brewers if certain conditions are met; provide requirements for contract brewing and alternating proprietorship brewing; and specify instances in which certain manufacturers, brewers, bottlers, distributors, and importers of malt beverages must register their names and brands or labels that will be sold to a distributor.

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