Connecticut Craft Beer Bill Intro’d

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House Bill 5928 establishes a farm brewery manufacturer permit, allowing for, among other things, the manufacture, storage, bottling, and wholesale distribution and sale of beer manufactured at any place or premises located on a farm. A permittee may only produce up to 50,000 gallons of beer annually. Permittees may sell their beer on-premises and, if they obtain the requisite permit, at farmers’ markets. A permit also allows for the offering and tasting of free samples, and retail sales for both on- and off-premises consumption, though a town may prohibit the activity by ordinance or zoning regulation. Permittees are required to use a certain amount of hops, barley, and other fermentable grown or malted in the state. After fulfilling these requirements, permittees may then advertise and sell their product as “Connecticut Craft Beer.”
