Changes to CA Brewpub License Become Law

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Signed by the Governor, Senate Bill 1283 would revise the definition of brewpub-restaurant license to require that the licensed premises have a minimum 7-barrel commercial brewing system located permanently onsite, that is capable of producing at least seven barrels of beer per brewing cycle; increase the minimum amount to be manufactured by the licensee to 200 barrels; require that beer produced on the premises be offered for sale to consumers for consumption on or off the premises; authorize a brewpub-restaurant licensee to label, bottle, package, or refill any container with beer produced on the licensed premises; to sell beer produced by the licensee for consumption off the premises; and to donate or sell beer manufactured by the licensee to specified nonprofit organizations. The bill would except donated beer from inclusion in the calculation of minimum amounts of beer production required to be manufactured and sold for purposes of the brewpub-restaurant license.

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