In the event you are unable to serve draught beer for an extended period, it is important to take some steps to make sure your system stays healthy and you are not faced with an unexpected expense or quality concerns when starting it back up. If beer is left stagnant in draught lines for too long, the system will be at risk of an irreversible bacterial contamination. Taking the right steps can prevent you from having to deal with dangerous gas leak hazards, costly draught line contamination, or even more expensive draught line replacement.
Draught Quality Recommendations During Extended Bar/Restaurant Shutdown
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Written By
Draught Beer Quality Subcommittee
, Brewers Association
Brewers Association
The Draught Beer Quality Subcommittee's mission is to improve the quality of draught beer dispensed to customers. They seek to preserve the great flavor and aroma of beer created by the brewer, and to deliver it to the consumer at retail. Great beer must be handled conscientiously to arrive in the glass in perfect condition.
See Draught Beer Quality Subcommittee's Articles
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Link to author biography
Written By
Draught Beer Quality Subcommittee
, Brewers Association
Brewers Association
The Draught Beer Quality Subcommittee's mission is to improve the quality of draught beer dispensed to customers. They seek to preserve the great flavor and aroma of beer created by the brewer, and to deliver it to the consumer at retail. Great beer must be handled conscientiously to arrive in the glass in perfect condition.
See Draught Beer Quality Subcommittee's Articles