Brewery Shutdown Safety Guidance

Link to article BAtech20 Brewery Shutdown Safety Guidance 1200x680
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COVID-19 is disrupting craft breweries across America. Many breweries are being required to discontinue operations or are grappling with the decision to shut down or try to continue production. In the event of a full or partial shutdown, this guidance from the Brewers Association Safety Subcommittee will help brewers safely cut back or discontinue brewery production.

A shutdown may be called for in the following instances:

  • An employee tested positive for COVID-19
  • An employee is suspected to have contracted COVID-19
  • A guest tests positive for COVID-19 and notifies someone
  • Government-required shutdown
  • Corporate-required shutdown

If a shutdown is necessary, in some cases it may be possible to continue production during the shutdown. We are calling this a “warm shutdown” which includes reduced staff and limited department functions. By contrast a “cold shutdown” ceases all business activity. In either case, there are safety concerns to be aware of.

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