Black Lives Matter. Black breweries and black beer lovers contribute so much to the craft brewing community and we are all better when all of us are valued, respected, and have equal access to opportunities.
We all have much to do ahead to bring awareness to and eradicate systemic racism, but one small step we can all take right now, together, is to support the Black Is Beautiful initiative.
Imagined by Weathered Souls Brewing, an independent craft brewery in Texas, the Black Is Beautiful initiative is a collaborative effort amongst the brewing community and its customers to bring awareness to the injustices that many people of color face daily. Its mission is to bridge the gap that has been around for ages and provide a platform to show that the brewing community is an inclusive place for everyone of any color.
In just two short weeks, more than 700 breweries from 50 states and 13 countries have signed on to support the project. We hope you will consider participating in this collaboration, because #BlackLivesMatter. Learn more at
“A collaboration like this is just a starting point; now is the time to look within and ask yourself what you can do to drive positive change from the inside out,” said Dr. J Nikol Jackson-Beckham, the Brewers Association’s diversity ambassador. The Brewers Association is working closely with its Diversity Committee to identify how we can internally improve our own organization.