Supply Chain Updates
This harvest estimate update includes info on the barley and hop harvests, CO2 shortages, transportation, and cardboard and aluminum prices.Read More
CBC Early Bird Registration is now open, register by February 26 and save! Learn More.
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This harvest estimate update includes info on the barley and hop harvests, CO2 shortages, transportation, and cardboard and aluminum prices.Read More
Understanding a liner's composition and performing validation and quality checks are key actions to safeguard against corrosion and negative flavor impacts. Learn the basics of the many aspects of can coatings in this playlist.Read More
The Brewers Association produced best practice guidance documents for contracting key supply chain materials and ingredients.Read More
Due to the current shortage, it is more important than ever to understand the specifications and performance of the cans you source. Read More
The Brewers Association Supply Chain Subcommittee shares helpful tips and best practices for evaluating hops at selection.Read More
Learn the origins, objectives, requirements, logistics and things to expect during hop selection, as well as what to do if you cannot select this year.Read More
As with any beer ingredient, CO2 quality is essential to finished beer quality, contributing to sensory outcomes, beer foam, mouthfeel, and shelf stability. Read More
These tips from the Supply Chain Subcommittee will guide brewers on how to economize their carbon dioxide resources in the event of a supply shortage.Read More
The Brewers Association has created a downloadable template letter for breweries to communicate that suppliers are essential to their continued operations.Read More
The Brewers Association Supply Chain Subcommittee works to ensure hop and barley growers and suppliers understand craft brewer demand and quality needs.Read More