Have you seen the Brewers Association’s newest beer-lover-facing national outreach effort on behalf of craft brewers and the independent seal? The “That’s Independence You’re Tasting” campaign drives awareness of the seal and you as craft brewers. It’s geared toward educating beer drinkers on why your beer matters and merits their support and sales.
Check out the campaign’s Facebook page to see it for yourself.
Independence and Choice
Every day, we work to tell the story of independent craft brewers, including your passion and your treasured beers. The notion that you have a unique story to tell is worth sharing again and again. You are a blueprint for American industry and the American dream. Your small business work ethic, ongoing community involvement, charitable contributions, and significant economic and tax contributions are all representations of how you help advance our country.
This integrated campaign is part of the Brewers Association’s ongoing efforts to distinguish and promote America’s small and independent craft brewers and grow further awareness of the independent craft brewer seal.
“That’s Independence You’re Tasting” takes a proud and positive tone, focusing on independence and choice—both key tenets of the craft brewing culture that you have built. It showcases the grit, determination, innovation, and passion of you—the country’s independent brewers—who have risked nothing short of your life’s savings to do what you love.
The campaign videos proudly display the independent craft brewer seal—a seal that unmistakably says “beer,” and symbolizes independence, choice, and a world that was turned upside down by the craft beer movement.
Social Media Engagement
Will beer lovers see the seal on your packaging, on your menus, and wherever else they’re seeking to choose truly independent craft beers?

Here are the top 5 ways your brewery and beer-related business can leverage and share this new campaign:
- Sign up to use the seal: If you are a U.S. craft brewer, make sure you have signed on to use the independent craft brewer seal.
- Market with the seal: Add the seal to your packaging and brewery marketing.
- With beer lovers now seeking the seal, think about where it appears in your brewery.
- Join the breweries who have added the seal to their bottles, cans, growlers, keg collars, tap handles, beer menus, websites, social media channels, advertising, vehicle wraps, and more. Doing so rewards beer lovers for seeking for the seal!
- Join the conversation: Follow and interact with our new Independent Beer social channels.
- Facebook: @independentbeer
- Instagram: @indiebeer_
- Twitter: @indiebeer_
- Engage on social media: Share the “That’s Independence You’re Tasting” campaign videos and assets.
- Spread the message of small and independent craft brewers with the hashtags #SeektheSeal and #independentbeer.
- Share other social posts that align with your brewery’s mission or create your own content.
- Engage retailers: Retailers are responding to the independent craft brewer seal too! Here are some resources to share with them.
Why Now?
Based on data from our recent work tied to the independent craft brewer seal, we know that more than 90% of consumers surveyed were interested in the seal and what it stands for. Additionally, beer drinkers who have been exposed to the seal showed a 77% increase in being more likely to prioritize beer from independent breweries.
Still, the lines are being blurred in today’s marketplace between what beers are and are not from an independent craft brewer. The time to unite for independence is now.
With this campaign, we look forward to helping beer lovers and retailers gain more top-of-mind awareness of independent craft brewers and the amazing variety of beer now available in the U.S. In this national outreach effort, all craft brewers—and the beverage of beer—stand to gain.
Questions? Email seal@brewersassociation.org.