have you heard of it? Have you visited it? Have you used it to promote your brewery or beers? is the Brewers Association’s beer lover-facing website, focused on telling the stories of small and independent American craft brewers while celebrating the American craft beer movement. With the site’s late 2016 revamp, now is a great time for us to reintroduce you to and provide some ideas for leveraging the site as part of your marketing strategy.
Working for Small Brewers
We know that we are not the only website that is passionate and dedicated to sharing the stories of craft brewers and craft beer culture. Where we set ourselves apart is operating in the best interests of our subjects: you, our members. The team is dedicated to identifying and highlighting what makes your brewery unique. Everyone has a story to tell, and we want to help small and independent breweries tell theirs.
Above all, it’s important that we offer accurate and entertaining articles that encourage others to immerse themselves in the wide world of craft beer. The staff hopes that when we publish content, the craft community will feel confident sharing it, knowing that others will enjoy and understand the vast world of brewing a bit more clearly.
(MORE: Using Social Media to Benefit Your Brewery)
Build It and They Will Come
In its planning and infancy, broke away from (remember that site?) and launched with the idea that if we built it, brewery members would come and provide content directly to the site. The challenge, we quickly realized, was that in addition to being business owners, head brewers, accountants, taproom managers, janitors, and delivery people for the brewery, being a writer for a separate website was not particularly high on members’ to-do lists.
Flash forward to today, where we have worked hard to provide an easy way to add news and events directly to the site. Jess Baker,’s new editor in chief, also has a network of writers on the ground to help tell your stories.
New and Improved
So how can your brewery leverage the site?
Brewery Locator
Improved in its design and capability,’s Brewery Locator remains the most comprehensive list of breweries in the country. Whether searching for breweries on desktop or mobile, the brewery locator is an essential tool for the beer enthusiast or beginner alike.
Hop onto the locator and find your brewery to make sure your location and information are accurate. The logos are supplied by, so if yours is missing or out of date, reach out to us and we’ll get it updated, or update your company profile.
Don’t see your brewery? Make sure we have you identified as “Open” rather than in planning if you opened recently. The next time I’m in your area, I want to know I can visit.
Reimagined buckets for news and events offer an intuitive filter for brewery members. The ability to post directly to the site allows for quicker publishing of your important news and social media sharing.
Posting your brewery’s news and upcoming events is easy: simply log in with one of your social media account credentials. The system does not collect or display your personal profile, but does allow for access entry to post your own content.
Resources Resources
There is always more to learn about craft beer, and an increasing number of people are interested in the subject. The site remains a top destination for beer beginners to learn more about the beverage and for beer enthusiasts to feel confident in sharing these resources to budding craft beer fans.
The team is proud to work on your behalf and even prouder of the effort to revamp the site to accomplish this further. We hope you’ll take a fresh look at The increasing need to connect with their local community while appealing abroad becomes even more crucial to the country’s 5,000-plus breweries. looks forward to helping spread your message while offering a valuable resource that your brewery can utilize and share.