Brewers Association Travels to Germany for International Beverage Exhibition BrauBeviale

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Interest in American craft beer is rising outside the U.S. Exports are increasing and the Brewers Association (BA) continually works to represent the industry in events around the world. In accordance with these efforts, six BA staff members recently traveled to Germany for BrauBeviale, an equipment exhibition that covers the entire beverage production process chain—raw materials, technologies, logistics and marketing. Various departments of the BA were represented including technical, events, governance and business development.

Brewers Association Brau

BA President Charlie Papazian was a featured speaker at the event. His presentation covered the culture of craft brewers in U.S. and the challenges for American craft beer abroad, which drew one of the largest crowds of the show.

Mr. Papazian commented on the importance of the BA’s attendance at BrauBeviale, “The world of craft brewing is taking on new and extraordinary dimensions. Beyond America’s 3,200 breweries, more than 5,000 small and independent breweries have opened around the world in the last eight years. The world of beer culture will change. The experience and concerns of American craft brewers will need to be represented on the world’s craft beer stages. Identifying needs and concerns with regard to ingredient supplies, equipment needs, scaled technology, government affairs and regulatory issues, education of the craft beer drinker and much more will need our continued participation. American craft brewers have created success. Worldwide, entrepreneurs in craft brewing and craft beer enthusiasts are engaging at an unprecedented level. The Brewers Association’s presence and involvement at BrauBeviale in NĂĽrnberg and other international meetings will be critical for the continued success of American craft brewers both at home and abroad.”

The event concluded with the European Beer Star Awards, where many American craft breweries took home awards.

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