2020 brought unprecedented challenges to craft brewers. Not the least among them were the closure of or limitations on taprooms, brewpubs, restaurants, and bars that made it much harder for most craft brewers to reach their customers. In response, many brewers pivoted to takeout sales and home delivery, often privileges extended to brewers and brewpubs as part of state efforts to provide relief for struggling on-premise businesses. In addition to direct to consumer deliveries in their home states, many brewers have expressed interest in selling and shipping beer to consumers in other states.
In recognition of this interest, the Brewers Association, in partnership with Sovos ShipCompliant, is making available a new member resource. Using this new interstate direct to consumer resource, brewers can learn which states allow brewers from outside that state to ship beer directly to consumers’ homes, as well as the principal requirements, such as licensing and excise taxation, imposed on such direct to consumers sales. This resource builds on other legal databases available to members on subjects such as trade law, franchise law, barrel caps, growler laws, self-distribution, excise tax rates, and brewery sales and sampling laws.
View the interstate direct to consumer laws resource here.