The Brewers Association (BA) is proud to announce that it has joined the Brewing and Malting Barley Research Institute (BMBRI) as a corporate associate member. Brewers Association Supply Chain Specialist Chris Swersey will serve as a representative on the BMBRI technical committee. This will allow the BA to provide input into BMBRI’s barley breeding and research priorities and to contribute directly to research funding.
BMBRI works to identify and evaluate barley varieties that are suitable for the production of high quality malt and beer. It has published two documents that provide information on desirable qualities of malt and malting barley for reference by barley breeders and researchers: Desirable Quality Traits in Malting Barley and “Quality Factors in Malting Barley.” BMBRI also sponsors seminars and events that encourage the flow of information between the farming, research, malting and brewing industries.
This partnership is significant because U.S. craft brewers represent an important and growing market for Canadian barley growers and malting companies. The relationship also provides a channel for communicating the unique needs of craft brewers, which have been outlined by the BA in Malting Barley Characteristics for Craft Brewers. The BA looks forward to years of productive collaboration with the BMBRI.