Berlin Dinner Features Small and Independent American Craft Brewers

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On Monday, October 21, Robin Quinville, Deputy Chief of the Mission (DCM) for the United States Embassy in Berlin along with Brewers Association President & CEO Bob Pease hosted a gathering at the Residence of the DCM in Berlin, Germany.

Local, regional, and international media attended along with three Brewers Association members currently exporting into the German market. Steve Grossman with Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, Matt Brynildson with Firestone Walker Brewing Company, and Jennifer Glanville with Boston Beer Company were in attendance. The evening was complemented by a collaboration menu from Brewers Association Executive Chef Adam Dulye along with Culinary Director Ben Pommer of BRLO. Each brewery featured two brands paired to a three course menu along with a welcoming reception.

The topic for the evening was a global conversation on small and independent American craft beer. Ms. Quinville introduced the evening with a short speech on the value of exports and noted that the BA has been active since 2004 in promoting quality American craft beer abroad. Ms. Quinville introduced Bob Pease whose remarks updated the media on the current objectives of the BA as well as recognized the brewers present in the room.

Brewers Association President & CEO Bob Pease addresses attendees in Berlin, Germany.
Brewers Association President & CEO Bob Pease addresses attendees in Berlin, Germany.
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