Brewers Association (BA) Supply Chain Specialist Chris Swersey and American Craft Beer Ambassador in Europe Sylvia Kopp will both be making presentations at the 2017 RMI Analytics World Barley, Malt & Beer Conference, which will be held March 22-24 in Vienna. The RMI World Barley, Malt & Beer Conference 2017 provides international barley supply chain support through market insights, networking and advisory roles. RMI expects over 300 attendees from around the world to attend the conference.
Chris Swersey will make a presentation titled: “How Craft Brewers are Revolutionizing U.S. Production of Specialty Malt,” drawing on parallels between hop and barley industries, with a focus on flavor and barley variety development and the rise of craft maltsters.
(MORE: The Evolution of Barley, Malt, and Beer Flavor)
Sylvia Kopp will conduct a beer sensory workshop titled, “The Power of Diversity – Sensory Deconstruction of Beers and the Study of Styles in the Light of a World-wide Changing Beer Culture.” Sylvia will be using a selection of American craft beers to highlight this diversity and provide guidelines and tips to help maintain beer in the best possible overall condition.
The Brewers Association’s presence will inform critical international supply chain stakeholders about global trends in beer, and how those trends affect supply chain needs looking forward. Goals include helping BA members access a steady supply of diverse, high quality ingredients, driving craft beer sales in a global market and emphasizing the importance of maintaining the beer in the best possible condition from the brewery to the consumer.