2016 Craft Brewers Conference Kicks off in Philadelphia

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The 2016 Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America® is in full swing in Philadelphia, Pa. The conference kicked off on Tuesday evening with a welcome reception at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Local breweries served their beers while attendees browsed the exhibits.

Wednesday’s keynote and general session began with a welcome from Brewers Association (BA) President and CEO Bob Pease. Billy Beane, the executive vice president of baseball operations for the Oakland A’s, delivered an inspirational keynote address with a theme focused on winning an unfair game. He drew in parallels of small breweries’ challenges within the beer industry.

New in 2016, a second general session will be held on Thursday, May 5 where BA Board of Directors Chair Rob Tod will lead a panel discussion with industry leaders.

Over 70 seminars and the largest BrewExpo America ever will keep attendees busy for the remainder of the week.

Craft Brewers Conference


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