Mental Health in the Craft Beer Industry

Craft Brewers Conference 2019
Location: Denver, Colorado
Speakers: Cindy Parsons, Jacqueline Garman

In a business where alcohol is easily accessible and can operate as an elixir to cope with life’s stressors, a culture can emerge that makes balancing work/life difficult and can act as a band-aid when mental health issues present. Exacerbating the issue is that the ability to talk about one’s mental health challenges is stifled by the stigma attached to sharing our stories of our struggles. Join mental health practitioners as they explore the culture that inhibits mental health wellness, help identify best practices for dealing with mental health, and explore how individuals and companies can best support one another.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore and develop basic knowledge of mental health challenges faced within the industry
  • Understand the stigma surrounding mental health, and the impact of stigma
  • Explore and identify effective strategies for support
  • Normalize talking about mental health in the craft beer industry

Presentation Audio: