We may try to downplay it, but breweries use aggressive caustics, strong acids, and potent oxidizers in cleaning and sanitizing procedures. How well do you really know what you are working with? In this presentation, we investigate these chemicals from the standpoint of information conveyed by safety data sheets, labels, signs, and placards. Learn to extract vital information from these resources, and learn what makes an effective signage program.
If you haven’t received this sort of training as part of your own brewery’s safety and health training or hazard communication program, this presentation will help you get caught up. Expect to leave with a better understanding of how these chemicals can hurt you, and the best chemical information and protective clothing you can use to reduce or eliminate risk.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to read a label and an SDS to gather hazard and protection information
- Learn the behavior of acids, bases, and oxidizers, and how to handle and store them safely and compatibly
- Be able to decode workplace safety pictograms, labels, signs, and placards
- Check out examples of effective, personalized workplace signage that helps avoid “sign pollution” and ties in with your own brewery culture