Heat disorders are on the rise as evidenced by frequent news reports and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) new standard and national emphasis program. Brewery workers, front-of-house staff, and logistics personnel are all at risk for heat exhaustion and life-threatening heat stroke. Detecting the symptoms in yourself and others is essential to providing a quick response action that can help avoid life-long disability. Better yet is learning how to prevent heat disorders altogether. This presentation takes a frank look at everything from hydration to clothing choices, and from itchy armpits to a 911 emergency. Take home valuable resources, including a toolbox talk template.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the pathologic processes of hyperthermia and hypothermia Learn to spot specific early warning signs, plus symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke Know the best course of action for each type of heat disorder Focus on preventative strategies of hydration, nutrition, rest, and acclimatization Find out how engineering controls, safe practices, and protective clothing can help Receive important links to Brewers Association and OSHA resources, plus a handy toolbox talk template for instant implementation