2023 Government Affairs Update

Craft Brewers Conference 2023
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Speakers: Katie Marisic, Marc Sorini

In this seminar with Brewers Association Senior Director of Federal Affairs Katie Marisic and General Counsel Marc Sorini, take a deep dive into state, federal, and regulatory affairs issues and understand how those issues impact small and independent breweries. Whether you are a wonk or a political novice, attendees of this seminar can expect to walk away with a strong understanding of the Brewers Association’s state, federal, and regulatory work on behalf of small and independent breweries. We will discuss the previous year’s successes and ongoing legislative efforts at the state and federal level, and give an overview of how regulation is impacting the industry. Lobbying and advocacy play an important part in the growth of craft brewing industry. We hope that the attendees of this seminar will be energized and ready to take an active role in shaping the future of their brewery.

Learning Objectives:

  • Take a deep dive into state, federal, and regulatory affairs issues that affect small and independent brewers
  • Discuss recent successes and ongoing legislative efforts by the Brewers Association at the state and federal level
  • Learn how regulation is impacting the craft beer industry
  • Leave this seminar energized and ready to take an active role in government affairs

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