Tamarron Consulting’s Independent Council Brewer/Distributor Work Product
Despite the growth and excitement surrounding the craft beer segment in recent years, the beer industry continues to offer many challenges, particularly when small brewers work to establish relationships within the distributor tier. It is important that the tiers identify the efficiencies and compromises that must be agreed upon to succeed in a fast paced, changing business environment.
Tamarron’s Independent Council has developed a set of suggestions on how suppliers/brewers and distributors can help the three tier process work beneficially in the day-to-day work environment. While the results of this group’s work was developed for players on a larger scale, there is still opportunity for smaller companies to extract tools and suggestions that will help identify what should be asked of them and what they should be expecting out of their distribution partners.
The Brewers Association’s Market Development Committee (MDC) has worked to distill down these brewer and distributor roles and responsibilities from Tamarron Consulting’s Independent Council findings. Below you will find a short document highlighting roles and responsibilities that may pertain to small brewers. This summary can be used as an internal assessment, as well as a discussion guide with distributors. As a reference, Tamarron’s Independent Council document accompanies the MDC version.
Tamarron Consulting has been helping distributors and suppliers/brewers recognize their own strengths in this regard. One of the results of Tamarron’s vision is the Independent Council on 3-tier Dynamics, a diverse collection of senior beer industry leaders from across the tiers.
For more information,visit TamarronConsulting.com.